Vee Ploughs  



TCS are proud to stock and service the CQMS Razer range of plough belt cleaners

Vee PloughsLge     Razer Vee Ploughs provide constant protection against fugitive materials from entering into tail and take-up pulleys. Razer Vee Ploughs use gravity to maintain constant conveyor belt contact whilst long life polyurethane blades reduce servicing requirements to a minimum.
   Failsafe Vee Ploughs
   Failsafe Vee PloughsLge Providing constant protection against material entering the tail and take-up pulleys the Razer Failsafe Plough is specifically designed for conveyors with higher operating speeds. The Razer Failsafe offers the offers a self adjusting plough with a dual pole mounting configuration to help eliminate plough vibration usually associated with increased belt speed. The Failsafe plough geometry integrates nose dive prevention into the design and comes standard with a safety chain for added protection.
  Diagonal Ploughs
  Diagonal PloughsLge Where access to a conveyor is limited or material is to be shed to one side of the conveyor, the Razer Diagonal Plough is best suited for these applications. Razer Diagonal Ploughs are available in single and reversing models for any conveyor application.
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